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A psychotic tanning salon owner is responsible for many missing girls, while his wife, a purse designer, has an evil secret too.
Starring Danika Galindo, Julia Faye West and Jade Bryce
Written and directed by Jared Masters
After the unexplained death of their Uncle Arlo, Kayla Nunez and her sister venture to his home in the rural town of Wickenhaven. They plan to claim their share of his estate, but their trip takes a drastic turn after discovering that their uncle’s house is occupied by a mysterious relative, Aunt May, who may be harboring deadly secrets. Complicating matters is the deranged, lust-filled tanning salon owner, Dale, and his exotic wife, Joan, whose business in designer handbags is the backbone to the entire town’s economy, and possibly the darkest fashion controversy the world will ever know.
Slink Wins ‘Best Scream’ at EOTM AWARDS
“…the idea behind it is strong … SLINK … plays out pretty masterfully. SLINK is a pretty tight little thriller with some nice twists along the way… I have to give the film credit for having a very corroded moral core and going to those dank places most horror films are afraid to go. The effects are pretty great and the directing itself does a really good job of maintaining its black tone throughout. The ride to the end of SLINK was pretty damn great and I look forward to seeing what writer director Jared Masters has in store for horror audiences in the future as SLINK is a confident and capable little indie horror gem.”
– Ambush Bug, Ain’t It Cool News
“A good bit smarter than your average low budget horror/slasher throwback, Slink is an interesting mix of cold, clinical Cronenberg-esque scenes that depict the systematic slaughter of young women which contrast with brighter, more garish moments that make thinly veiled barbs at American culture’s unhealthy obsession with fashion. Masters has, with his past efforts, shown a knack for style and here he’s able to match it with an equal amount of substance as well… The performances are generally pretty strong – Art Roberts manages to exude some believable perversions with his take on his character while Dawna Lee Heising does him one better but playing the two faced and fairly malicious female antagonist very effectively and creating a character that probably should have been given more screen time… Some of the grisly set pieces are nasty enough to work but manage to do so without feeling like modern horror nonsense like Saw or Hostel style gore fests. Slink is worth a watch. It’s well paced, well edited and pretty entertaining… It owes a debt to some of the slashers that came before it but carves out enough of its own identity to deliver.”
-Ian Jane,
“Slink jumps out from the rest of the pack … it’s a creative and sometimes surprisingly potent plunge into modern consumer horror with a great, pounding electronic score…. Director Jared Masters knows his way around the exploitation field…. Detail is fine … with some of the more unusual camerawork coming through very effectively. Give this one a try; there’s a lot more going on under the surface than you might expect.”
– Nathaniel Thompson,
“Slink reminds me of the type of nasty horror film you’ll find on television late one night, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing at all … Slink brought to mind fond memories of these late night horrors because it’s so madcap itself, chugging along in such a lurid and energetic way that makes it hard to look away from the utter craziness that’s going on the screen… I was sold on the premise alone and happy to put out there that the story held my interest for the 80 minutes it ran for… I must give praise to the exceptional musical work featured here, from suspenseful numbers, rousing orchestral work and even an upbeat jazzy number that pops up – all this is masterfully executed… At it’s core, Slink is an enjoyable slasher, with its own unique charm … I find that it’s main strengths lies in it’s nasty story that manages to captivate and thrill – maybe you’ll even think twice about going to the local tanning salon.”
– Jesse Miller,
“Slink is without a doubt one of the better independent films out there. It’s dark and violent, with a little bit of humor, but not too much to make it come off as silly. If you are looking for a film with that 80’s sleazy video store rental vibe to it, then Slink is for you. Everything from the dialogue, drug use, bizarre characters, sexual overtones…. You’ll feel reminiscent of smaller films like Unhinged or Deranged…. Slink is greatly entertaining for the 80 minute runtime. So, watch this throwback that I dare call a ‘modern day grindhouse.’…. It’s like a Beverly Hills version of The Manson Family.”
– Andrew Peters,
“Slink is one of those rare movies where you expect to yawn and time track your screening period allocation but find yourself instead engrossed in the events unfolding to the characters. Slink separates itself from many of its low budget independent peers by doing a lot of things right… Slink manages on the strength of its characters to be better than the rest and walks the high wire between horror and black comedy. And for that, it should be rewarded with a recommendation.”
– Greg Roberts,